Building a brand identity
Web design
Print material
The happy place to heal!

With a warm and friendly office, Advanced Health of Naperville needed a business identity to encapsulate their tagline; “the happy place to heal”!
To bring their approachable and fun office ethos to their visual identity, we followed our strategic brand development process to create a bright, cheerful brand identity and materials, and then turned our eye to deploying their new brand strategically. We gave their website an overhaul to make it easier to navigate and learn more about all of their various services. We designed new decals for the front of the building to draw people in. And we developed new services rack cards to make it easy to share information with patients.

Digital design
Advanced Health of Naperville is all about making chiropractic care approachable for people of all ages. We redesigned their website with three goals in mind: 1) to make it easier for new patients to sign up for services, 2) make the services clear and easy to find, and 3) translate the welcoming vibe of the AHN office to the web.

On the social media side, Dr. Cathy had the idea for a mind/body wellness theme that would extend throughout the year. We built out the logo and graphics for her 12 Elements of Health campaign, which addresses a different wellness component every month.
The look and feel of this brand is a warm smile, a bright office space. Everything we created needed to showcase the welcoming spirit of the practice.

The colorful branch artwork that we developed circles through the brand, including the front entry to the office, inside on wall artwork, throughout the website, and on the 12 Elements of Health campaign.
Because AHN does much more than basic chiropractic care, we worked with Dr. Cathy to develop rack cards that detail the specialty focuses of the practice. Cranial adjustments, for example, might sound confusing at first, but the simple explanations of the service and the benefits it provides makes it clear and easy to understand.