Amplifying Agronomy – Enhancing Communication in the Illinois Soybean Association
Communication Plans
Website Upgrades including an Online Library
Digital Ads
Print Ads
Social Ads
Radio Live Read Scripts
E-Newsletter Template
Quarterly Survey
The Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) needed an effective way to reach soybean farmers in Illinois to promote the latest checkoff-funded research projects and initiatives. The challenge was to deliver non-biased, actionable information that would be of real value to the farmers.
Additionally, ISA needed a robust communication system with researchers to set clear expectations around checkoff-funded projects, strengthen the relationship between ISA and researchers, and ensure that researchers remained informed about opportunities, deadlines, and milestones.
Amplifying Agronomy tackled these challenges through a multi-pronged approach tailored to each audience:
Promoting Research Resources to Farmers
Research Hub
We expanded to create the Research Hub, which includes information on ISA-funded research projects, updates, and findings, including videos. This platform also allows farmers to learn about the researchers themselves.
Online Library
We created the Online Library as a central source for information from the Research Hub, in addition to more sources of non-biased agronomy information and resources, including blogs, videos, and presentations. It’s a FREE resource for farmers to make educated decisions about managing their farm, from growing soybeans to wheat to corn (many soybean farmers grow at least two of the three crops).
Crop Report
What are soil conditions like this week? Is a pest bugging another part of the state? How are crops looking in different parts of the state? We built the online Crop Report to house the latest in-season eyewitness accounts of crop conditions and more.

Research Brochure
We created a brochure to provide an overview of all ISA-funded research projects for FY23, which was distributed to farmers and industry partners at in-person events and could be downloaded from
Promotional Campaigns
Digital, print, social, and radio ads were used to promote these online resources. Giveaways, signage, and activities at agronomy research test plots at events further fostered interaction and education.

Promoting Research Resources to Farmers
ISA is the leader in soybean agronomy and to maintain and grow this reputation, it’s important that they have the best communication to attract the best researchers. We helped them take their communication up a notch with the following projects.

Research Project Expectation Guidebook
The guidebook provides researchers with detailed information on research project proposals, timelines, and protocols; introductions to the ISA Agronomy Team; and testimonials from past researchers.
Innovating Researcher-Targeted E-Newsletter
We designed and developed a plan for a bi-monthly newsletter that the Agronomy team uses to keep researchers informed about upcoming events, deadlines, and updates from the field.
Amplifying Agronomy, strategically tailored to the needs of various stakeholders, effectively addresses the challenges faced by the Illinois Soybean Association. The project not only provides valuable information to farmers but also strengthens the relationship between ISA, researchers, and industry partners, promoting sustainable soybean farming in Illinois. The positive outcomes and feedback underscore the project’s success and continue to fuel ISA’s mission forward.
What’s up next for Amplifying Agronomy? Stay tuned for what we’re cultivating for the 2024 growing season!