Navigating through figuring out brand strategy can seem like battling a wall of weeds

That’s why it’s better to piece out areas to focus on and break it down. Below are some of the questions we find are helpful to getting to the root of strategy.

1. Who are you?

This can be a tough one to verbalize. Really think about who you are as a company and as a brand. Who are you not? Sometimes that’s an even more important question.

2. What are your goals?

This should go deeper than sales goals – what impact do you want to have on your target consumer? Be specific.

3. Who are your competitors?

What do they offer that you do not? What do you do better?

4. Why should consumers or business leaders choose you?

What makes you different from all the other competitors? Why is your widget or service clearly the best? And go beyond table stakes – every company should have good customer service and a product that works – why you?

5. What are obstacles or barriers to keep you from reaching your goals?

What are competitive headwinds? What are internal headwinds? Do you have the tools you need to succeed?

6. What is your budget?

What is a ballpark budget to be able to achieve your goals for this product or service? Is it a realistic budget? Are you willing to invest in retaining experts when needed?

7. What resources are available to you?

Who are the right people with the skills you need, and are they in the right place at your company? What industry resources are available?

8. How do you define ROI?

Every product or service will be different. What action do you want your target consumer to take? How will you define success?

9. Who are you trying to reach?

Who is your ideal customer, or are there multiple audiences you need to reach?

10. What core pain points will resonate with your target audience?

What problem do you solve? Are there different messages for each audience? How do you prioritize those messages?

We hope these questions will plant a seed for fruitful thoughts and yield positive outcomes for your company.

If you need an extra set of hands to take the gloves off, guide you through the field of questions, and bundle it all together, we’d love to chat.